Link's Blog
In 2023, our team launched a new, free downloadable app, NAZ Local, that would connect people to the resources and services they need right around them. It was supposed to be a fun, new venture that would help people.


Once launched, our news real picked up on a story where “30% of our local workforce were living in their car.” We began raising awareness and to silence us, someone in government abused their power to render me and my fiancé, homeless.

Almost immediately, we began experiencing harassment and threats. We left Arizona for fear for our safety and the safety of our community.

Once we got to Ohio, we began door dashing and delivering for Uber Eats to make ends-meat. Quickly, we became discouraged as we reached out for help and received limited response. As we delivered food, it seemed every order was to be delivered without human contact. We felt lonely, isolated, scared, and hopeless.

Then we got an idea! What if the thing missing most in this world is the lack of human connection and kindness? What if we, even in our most dire circumstances, could inspire others to be mindful about the compassion and kindness they show others by giving a gift to every person we met on our “discovery journey?”

Since we are “rockhounders by hobby, we love to collect pretty rocks so we began labeling pretty pocket rocks with the words, “Linking Dreams, #inspirehumanconnection” and gave them out to nearly every person we met out on the road.

To solve the world’s biggest problems, it takes humans, coming together, and showing understanding, compassion, and kindness. We hoped that our rocks would be the reminder to people we had shared a moment with, to take time to connect with the world and people around them, deeply and with more meaningful connection.

If you, or someone you know, has found or received one of our “Linking Dreams” stones, connect with us! Visit one of our social media pages at the links below and share your picture, story, or experience with us!

If you like what you hear and want to support us on our journey to #inspirehumanconnection, please visit our sponsorship page at:

Thank you