Link's Blog

Join NAZLOCAL Steps 1
For more than a decade, I have been working on the design for a one stop shop virtual resources center for all of Northern Arizona. Finally, in September 2023, we launched NAZ Local, Northern Arizona’s most trusted local connections for all of Northern Arizona. Then in February 2024, NAZ Local launched its payment portal to be able to take payment for its subscription-based services.

Now, it’s not that I thought I would “flip the on switch” and everyone would start running. I wish that were the case and then we wouldn’t have a reason to stress right? Well, here are the circumstances:

We launched in February and immediately there were local people in Arizona who flagged us as SPAM in local chats, groups, community pages and more.  Not only did we get flagged as SPAM, people have come out against us to slander our name, reputation, and frankly, it feels like the world hates us. Why? Wouldn’t Northern Arizona locals want an app they can call their own?

Truth is, they do; however, people do not yet know we exist because we are a new start-up that has no presence on social media.  Everyday, we post on current social media and get less than 6 views.  Algorithms just won’t let us be “seen” unless we pay and even if we pay, Facebook will make it incredibly expensive before we start seeing results. 

The way to get seen is 3-fold. We need to have boots on the ground giving our app a “human” feel where people can meet and speak with a person, in person, to gain a better understanding of NAZ Local and how to connect.  The second point of contact is through email, messenger or text. The person needs to see words in a message and have a link to click on. Finally, phone and zoom calls are a way of getting in contact “now” where the other two methods may not yield any return for time spent contacting.  On average, it takes all 3 of these points of contact to make even a dent in getting someone to download, register, and then subscribe to NAZ Local’s services.

For this reason and many others, there is a great taxation of time and energy in the beginning of launching an online platform. People are inundated with marketing ads that promise them they will get seen with their purchase, when they truth is that most people do not understand how to reach their true customer base and paying the multitude of services out there won’t yield them the results they seek.

So going back to my original frustration, people target us and do not want us to be seen. There is no right way to go beyond the woes of people out there who hate our existence because they wish they thought of it first, maybe? It doesn’t matter though…we don’t love NAZ Local for those people anyway. We commit our time, energy and love to people who want to make things better for the people who struggle most in Northern Arizona. We love what the NAZ Local model will do for locals across Northern AZ.

Aug 30th @ 3pm EST, 12pm PST
Founder, CEO and Human Capital Consultant. Chris "Link" Duarte shares how he's helping companies find balance in how they identify, communicate, and advocate for their diverse communities.

Why it Matters!
Groundbreaking digital innovations have powered rapid growth in open talent and entrepreneurship sectors; people are connecting with one another from around the world to make work happen. As changes fuel the “great resignation,” people are seeking out inclusive, flexible and fulfilling career opportunities which are only available to some. FTE guest expert Chris "Link" Duarte, CEO of Linking Dreams, explains how advocacy and “equality” initiatives are leaving some populations behind and what leaders can do to ensure equitable access and opportunities for all.

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I am so excited about being selected as one of 6 finalists for the Global Inclusion Forum Small Business Awards! To pitch Linking Dreams to a global audience is a dream come true. The Global Inclusion Conference takes place in Kiev, Ukraine from May 19th until May 26th, 2022. They bring together global leaders in the areas of DEI and Cultural Inclusion into dynamic presentations where they share the top trends, tools, and take-aways to solve cultural inclusion issues for any size community or business. I look forward to learning from others and making new connections! Hope to see you there!
Looking for a great opportunity to earn CEU’s and hear an impactful story? From 2018-2021, I worked on a legal case to help a Native American woman obtain custody of her children. When "Tamara" reached out to me and asked for help to find an attorney, she hadn't seen her 5 children in 2 years. Although I had more than a decade of experience working with families, there were various challenges that made this case especially challenging. Tribal laws, the Covid-19 pandemic, and other challenges posed many barriers, and we had to discover new ways – while being mindful of tradition – to seek an outcome that would be in the best interest of the children. On July 20th, 2022, I will be hosting a workshop at the Arizona Statewide Prevent Child Abuse Conference, where I will review this landmark case, discuss the barriers and outcomes, and share tips on how to gain positive results when working with families in the Tribal Family Court System.
For many years, I have experienced discrimination from employers because of my transgender identity. As the world has become transformed by new innovations and technology, AI and this new data science has created new challenges. Today, many underserved populations remain invisible in the Future of Work. As more and more people resign from their jobs and seek more flexible work, income, and to free themselves from bad leadership, they are mesmerized by the promises made from online Open Talent Platforms. In reality, people are moving to “self-employed” as gig workers, creators, entrepreneurs, and consultants while creating increased flexibility in their day-to-day. Is it really that easy though to increase income and gain more freedom in your life? No. People fall through the cracks and lack of access, protections, and inclusive development creates real issues for workers. At the Center for the Transformation of Work, we bring together a community of thought leaders and platform architects to discuss issues that are affecting workers on a global level. As the chair of the Advocacy Group, I lead a group of leaders from around the world where our purpose is to lift up the voices of Open Talent in the Future of Work Economy/Space. If you are interested in learning more and joining the conversation, please sign up as a member.